Roundtable Review: New Warriors v4 #8

Next week sees the release of New Warriors #9, the return of regular artist Paco Medina and the start of a new storyline. In the meantime, the NWCC Roundtable sits down for a close look at New Warriors #8, the conclusion to the two-part “Reunion”.

Flank, Jeremy and Corey compare notes to see how the issue held up. Be sure to share your own thoughts on the issue in the comments.
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Roundtable Review: New Warriors v4 #7

The NWCC Roundtable is back to review the 2-part “Reunion” story. First up is part one, New Warriors #7 by Kevin Grevioux and fill-in artist Jon Malin.

Our regular crew is back to give their thoughts, although the holidays ate up James Hunter for this pair of reviews. He’ll be back. In the meantime, Corey, Flank and Jeremy are here and their review thumbs are itching. Read on…
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Page-by-Page: New Warriors #6

New Warriors Volume 4, Issue 6
A Penagain Page-by-Page Review
(C)2007, Jeremiah Lee Schwennen

How it Works:
To appreciate this review, you’ll need to have the issue in question in front of you. I’ll be commenting on the ENTIRE issue, cover to cover, including ads. The commentary will range from witty to insightful, and from inane to annoying. All-in-all, it will take you less time to enjoy and/or loathe it than it took me to write it, so consider yourself lucky! This is our third page-by-page in our new and EXCLUSIVE home at the New Warriors Continuity Conundrum! Stop in and say something!

New Warriors Volume 4 Issue 6, Defiant (Part Six) was released December 12th, 2007. It was written by Kevin Grevioux, with art by Paco Medina, Juan Vlasco, and Marte Gracia.

The last Klein cover that was (clearly) designed before he had a chance to see any of Medina’s pencils. I like the imagery here (and have always been happy with Klein’s covers) but I have to say, sitting on the newsstand, this cover STRONGLY implies that this is a final issue, and that’s not a good thing.

Say good bye to Blackwing’s hair and Thrash’s shoulder pads folks, because after this cover, they’ve been corrected! See, someone IS reading this column!

For those counting, if we had a shadow number in the corner box, it would be 97. Continue reading “Page-by-Page: New Warriors #6”

Roundtable Review: New Warriors v4 #6

The NWCC quartet gather for another Roundtable Review. New Warriors #6 concludes the Defiant story arc. How did it fair? Read on!

Here we are two months since last issue, with the final part of the first storyline in the newest New Warriors series. Where does Defiant part six leave us? Overall, I think this issue pulls it all together pretty well. For once, it feels like lots of things happen in the issue, and while it continues to misfire on certain fronts, many positive things can be said about this issue. I feel that, if nothing else, this issue is the right finale to this storyline. Continue reading “Roundtable Review: New Warriors v4 #6”

Roundtable Review: New Warriors v4 #5

The Conundrum’s Roundtable Review panel discusses New Warriors #5. The mysterious Flank kicks it off this time, followed by fellow longtime New Warriors fans Jeremy, Corey and James. For a rundown of our panel of reviewers, check out the first Roundtable Review. To find out how this issue held up, read on…!

And be sure to post your own review in the Comments section and let us know if you agree or disagree with our assessments.

Continue reading “Roundtable Review: New Warriors v4 #5”

Page-by-Page Review: New Warriors #5

New Warriors Volume 4, Issue 5
A Penagain Page-by-Page Review
(C)2007, Jeremiah Lee Schwennen

How it Works:
To appreciate this review, you’ll need to have the issue in question in front of you. I’ll be commenting on the ENTIRE issue, cover to cover, including ads. The commentary will range from witty to insightful, and from inane to annoying. All-in-all, it will take you less time to enjoy and/or loathe it than it took me to write it, so consider yourself lucky! This is our second page-by-page in our new and EXCLUSIVE home at the New Warriors Continuity Conundrum! Stop in and say something!

New Warriors Volume 4 Issue 5, Defiant (Part Five) was released October 10th, 2007. It was written by Kevin Grevioux, with art by Paco Medina, Juan Vlasco, and Marte Gracia.

Nic Klein brings us another fine cover, one that captures some real emotion (a failing of his earlier pieces). I love the flat lining graph effect… heck, I just love this cover. Sofia looks utterly doomed, but hey… if she takes the Diner with her (if you don’t hate the Diner as much as I do, you better RUSH back to your back issues and re-read the majesty that is Sofia’s day-job-dialogue. Oi.)

I think it goes without saying, but since I specialize in saying such things… that’s STILL the wrong Thrash armor.

For those counting, if we had a shadow number in the corner box, it would be 96.
Continue reading “Page-by-Page Review: New Warriors #5”

Page-by-Page Review: New Warriors #4

Long-time New Warriors fan Jeremy “Penagain” Schwennen brings his popular page-by-page review format to the NWCC. He starts with this week’s new release, New Warriors #4. Needless to say, beware of SPOILERS. Add your own comments below!

New Warriors Volume 4, Issue 4
A Penagain Page-by-Page Review
(C)2007, Jeremiah Lee Schwennen

How it Works:
To appreciate this review, you’ll need to have the issue in question in front of you. I’ll be commenting on the ENTIRE issue, cover to cover, including ads. The commentary will range from witty to insightful, and from inane to annoying. All-in-all, it will take you less time to enjoy and/or loathe it than it took me to write it, so consider yourself lucky! This is our first page-by-page in our new and EXCLUSIVE home at the New Warriors Continuity Conundrum! Stop in and say something!

New Warriors Volume 4 Issue 4, Defiant (Part Four) was released September 6th, 2007. It was written by Kevin Grevioux, with art by Paco Medina, Juan Vlasco, and Marte Gracia.
Continue reading “Page-by-Page Review: New Warriors #4”

Roundtable Review: New Warriors v4 #3

A new feature for the Conundrum debuts today! It’s the Roundtable Review, a discussion of a new release from four long-time New Warriors fans. Feel free to add your own thoughts in the comments section.

As we prepare ourselves for next week’s release of issue #4, let’s take a look at last month’s New Warriors #3.

Continue reading “Roundtable Review: New Warriors v4 #3”

New Warriors #1: What the critics say

Feedback from New Warriors #1 has been coming in since the start of the month, both from critics and readers, and the consensus seems to be “it’s a hit!” Some have problems with dialogue or the decompressed pacing, but over all, most seem happy. Let’s take a look at what the critics have been saying. What did you think?
Continue reading “New Warriors #1: What the critics say”